Thursday, September 15, 2011

Digging Deep in God's Word

FYI: If you've read our family blog, this post is on there as well.  It just has such good information I figured it could only help to have it in two places.

So I know many of you are thinking, "You are finally posting and it has nothing to do with Ruthie?!?!"  Yeah, well, I've been a slacker.  I will get around to posting the "birth story", as well as other updates and pictures at some point.  However, this is really important and I wanted to share it with everyone.  While at Polishing the Pulpit (PTP) this August I was privileged to hear Cindy Colley speak on how to dig deeper and get into the meat of the Word.  There is a Facebook group that has been started that correlates to this study.  It is an awesome study!  Here is the description of the study as mentioned in the Facebook group:
 Mrs. Cindy Colley has created a list of objectives for each month from September 2011-August 2012  that we ladies can complete during a daily Bible time (any time we choose) for the next year. Our goal is to get past the milk and really get into the meat of God’s Word. If you want to do this, just complete the objectives listed for each month. You can print this if you would like, and mark them off as you go.
Hundreds of women have decided to accept the challenge! We have been so encouraged knowing that we all in this together. It’s like a massive ladies’ Bible class that we get to be in with women from all around America. For any discussion or questions, we post in our group on Facebook called “Digging Deep in God’s Word”.
If you would like to participate with these hundreds of other women in completing this Bible study schedule, I am posting the schedule here for each month from Cindy Colley’s website at
**Note** This group is for ladies only :-) Feel free to discuss what's going on in the group with your husband/brother/etc. but only ladies may actually join the group." 
Don't worry that we are already into the month of September a little ways, you have plenty of time to "catch up"!  ;)  I hope you will join in this study to "Dig Deeper into the Word"!

New Blog

I have decided to start a blog separate from our family blog.  Not that I have anything against our family blog, because of course I don't, but we are sending our supporters to that site as well.  Of course there won't be anything inappropriate on this blog, but I'm sure his supporters don't care to read about things such as cloth diapers, homemade laundry soap, etc. So here it is, my very own blog.  ;)